The Best Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Site With Blogs

Jan 27, 2014

The Best Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Site With Blogs

Blogging offers a great opportunity to write about subjects you enjoy while also helping people stay informed. When managed correctly, your blog could also steadily drive traffic to your website, sometimes without a lot of extra effort on your part. Keep reading for some ideas you can start using today, even if you’re a novice blogger.

Post New Content Regularly

There’s sometimes nothing more frustrating than visiting a blog and noticing it hasn’t been updated in several months. You don’t necessarily have to post something every day, but it’s a good idea to get into some sort of routine your readers can predict.

You can also publish reminders and end a post by encouraging people to come back to your website on a particular day to read the next installment. That works especially well if you’ve decided to try serial posts, or those that follow a certain theme.

Contribute to Other People’s Blogs

You might also see a spike in website traffic when you take time to create content for another blog within your niche by acting as a guest blogger. Although you will need to follow guidelines in order to get accepted, guest blogging is a good way to exert your authority, and it gives you a chance to offer a creative spin on a topic you’re passionate about.

The specific way you’ll drive traffic back to your website comes through your byline and author bio that’ll accompany the post. Even if the bio is only a couple of sentences long, that’s still enough to suggest your website is a great place to visit and cause people to want to see what’s offered there.

Post About Newsworthy Things

If you want to develop a reputation for being a great news source in your industry, a blog might be a great starting point. For websites that are related to substance abuse recovery programs, for example, it could prove beneficial to publish content that looks deeper into well-known facts about drug abuse, such as whether people who have certain occupations are more likely to develop destructive habits than others.

Most individuals are aware of how drug abuse is a common issue in society, but many appreciate efforts to go beyond the surface and spotlight trends in insightful ways.

Make Comments on Blog Posts Written by Your Peers

You’ve already learned about how it can be useful to promote your website by being a guest blogger. Another way to capitalize on the power of content without actually updating your own blog is to post comments on blogs that relate to your field. Although this technique probably won’t do much to help your website climb in search-engine rankings, it’s another way to continually prove you have authoritative knowledge about a subject.

Of course, you won’t get very far by doing something like talking about the merits of your cooking website while making a comment on an automotive parts blog. However, if there are a few blogs you read regularly and you’re itching to share your views, don’t be afraid to craft an intelligent and relevant response to a post you just read. Be sure to finish it off with a link to your website, along with a short tagline.

Make Your Blog Content Social-Media Friendly

When you want to create a new blog post but aren’t sure what to write about, try visiting your favorite social-media websites and getting inspiration by seeing what others are talking about there. Once you’ve gotten a few ideas, written something and are ready to publish it, make it simple for people to share the content on social media. Doing that is as easy as embedding a button that allows sharing with a single click.

Develop Strong Relationships With Other Bloggers

If you want to use a blog as a way to achieve higher levels of website traffic, it’s important to realize you can’t expect results overnight. Having a diligent attitude and being patient are helpful characteristics.

Don’t overlook the need to network with other bloggers, as well. You can start by following their respective social-media feeds, and then offering comments and kudos for posts you really loved reading. They might return the favor by visiting your website and later saying something positive about it in a public forum.

As with most promotional techniques, helping your website get noticed via blog content isn’t always straightforward, because there are a variety of tactics you could use. Consider trying a few of the ones you’ve just read and being willing to adapt them to suit your goals and needs.
