Creating Content Worth Sharing
What makes people click the “Like” button on Facebook? Why do users “retweet” or “favorite” certain pieces of content on Twitter? What causes someone to “+1” on Google Plus?
What exactly makes content worth sharing?
This is one of those mysterious questions for which everyone has an answer but nobody can force the solution. I’ve been convinced for awhile that if a piece of content didn’t have a cat/kitten, a cute baby, or Kim Kardashian’s backside, just forget it. However, the internet is flooded with those images now, so the challenge is to find the “next big thing” to go viral without any idea what that might be.
One of the ways to try and expand the influence of the content you produce is to figure out what and how people interact with different kinds of information. Whoishostingthis has produced the infographic below that demonstrates the psychology behind shared content.