The Benefits of Blogging
When it comes to running a successful small business website, content marketing is king. From improving your website’s search rankings on Google to helping you become a thought leader and innovator in your field, creating original content that appeals to your target audience offers businesses significant advantages.
Unfortunately, many small businesses don’t fully understand or appreciate the value that producing quality content can add to their brand and bottom line. But in today’s increasingly competitive marketplace, businesses that fail to embrace the importance of content marketing risk falling permanently behind the competition.
Great content creation begins with regularly updating your business’ website or blog. If you haven’t started blogging for your small business, there are a number of reasons why you need to start a blog writing process ASAP.
Benefits Of Blogging
Adds fresh content: If you want customers and clients to keep coming back to your website, you need to provide them with a reason. If you haven’t update your business’ website in months, then why does a potential customer need to revisit your site?
Improves site visibility: When done properly, and depending on the competiveness of your industry, content could help improve your website’s search rankings and bring in additional web traffic. Content also provides your brand with its own unique voice so that you can better stand out from the crowd.
Provides authority: Content that offers something of value to your audience ranks as one of the premiere ways you can demonstrate your skill set and knowledge in your field. Proving to others that your content has value puts you on the path to becoming a thought leader in your field.
Improves communication with your audience: Blog content posted to social media outlets can be used to start conversations with your target audience. Starting this kind of dialogue with your base will help you gain a better understanding of how your customers view your business and what they value most about your brand.
Benefits Of Frequent Blogging
By now there should be no disagreement about the benefits frequently blogging can have to your business. But just how often should you post new content? Companies that post 16 or more blog posts to their websites per month receive nearly 3.5 times more web traffic when compared to companies that post four or less blogs a month, according to HubSpot.
HubSpot also determined that the size of a business also matters. Small businesses with between one to 10 employees received higher traffic when they posted over 11 blogs a month. When compared to companies that average less than one post a month, businesses received three times the amount of web traffic. Smaller businesses also had the highest number of converted leads when they blogged 10 times or more a month. What’s more, businesses that added over 11 posts per month received twice the number of leads when compared to businesses that published between six to 10 posts per month.
These numbers help to demonstrate just how easily small businesses can benefit from updating their website or blog more frequently. While daily blogging does offer some benefits, it’s likely not an option for all but the most dedicated of bloggers. Rather, you may be better off posting between two to four new posts per week. To determine just how often you should blog, consider how much time a week you can dedicate to blogging and what your target audience’s appetite is for the content you’re providing.
Curate Your Content
Even after blogging has become part of your weekly routine, you’re bound to experience moments of writers block. On those days where the ideas refuse to flow, try one of these tips to create some compelling content.
Look over your archive: If you have developed a sizeable archive of content from months or years of blogging, go back and reexamine some of your more popular posts. Looks for topics that are just as relevant today as when the post was first written and look for ways to update the content. Rewriting and updating your best content allows you to attract new readers while also demonstrating your knowledge about your industry.
Topic generators: Websites like HubSpot, Portent and Link Bait Generator provide free to use generators that can provide you topics to write on. Just type in your keywords, and the tool when generate hundreds of different options for you to choose from.
Blogging offers a variety of tangible benefits that even small business websites can no longer avoid if they hope to stay up with the competition. However, not all small businesses owners have the time or staff necessary to provide the compelling content they need.
At Local Fresh, our in-house team of marketing experts can provide your small business website with the kind of original, compelling and well-written blog content you need. Click here to find out more about how Local Fresh can help you.