Inbound Marketing
The Best Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Site With Blogs
Blogging offers a great opportunity to write about subjects you enjoy while also helping people stay informed. When managed correctly, your blog could also steadily drive traffic to your website, sometimes without a lot of extra effort on your part. Keep reading for some ideas you can start using today, even if you’re a novice…
Read MoreRecap of 2014 Marketing Strategies
While we might be wondering – and I know I am – exactly where 2013 went, it’s time to look ahead to what’s trending for marketing your small business in 2014. Below is a recap of the most popular online marketing trends for small businesses of all kinds. 1. If you are a dentist or…
Read MoreDynamic Date Offers
Here at Local Fresh we build a lot of paid search landing pages and offers. When creating offers one of our objectives is to create a sense of urgency. Offers that make it clear to prospects that they need to act soon will convert more effectively than those with no specific expiration date. Here’s an…
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